Our Customer Service

For us, the development of a project is never just a sale but an active and immediate participation in everything that surrounds it.
Varaschin establishes direct and confidential relationships with the client and the designer. We put passion, experience and research at the service of the project in every phase. We work side by side with the designer, with a constant confrontation that can guarantee the quality and uniqueness that distinguish us.

  • Customer service

    To help out with any problem regarding our products and our services we are at the customers’ disposal anytime. You can fill in the specific form to contact us.
  • Consulting

    Our wide range of products, makes it difficult sometimes to define a selection. Varaschin provides technical information and norms for every specific request.
  • Designer loyalty

    Working side by side with designers and developers creates a loyal relationship with the company that evolves over time. Each product update will be communicated with dedicated newsletters.
  • Direct line

    We have dedicated communication lines for design solutions and commercial information related to our products.
  • Response speed

    Digital technology allows immediate answers in a short space of time. A dedicated team deals with the processing of information.
  • 1.000 sq.m. showroom

    A large scale space is dedicated to showcasing our collections.
  • customercare @ varaschin.it

    A direct line with the company offers a better management of information requests. Supported languages are: English, German, Spanish, French.
  • Varaschin Materials Lab

    For designers, developers and qualified dealers we have a meeting room for sharing projects and a materials lab, with samples of each finish.