Experience autumn with your favourite outdoor products

Varaschin - Outdoor Therapy blog - Experience autumn with your favourite outdoor products

If we asked you to think about autumn and, in particular, the delicacies you can enjoy this season, what would you think?

While you think about it, we give you our personal answer: an apple cake dusted with cinnamon, soft and tasty, some pumpkin tortellini seasoned with sage and butter or, again, some delicious chestnuts cooked in a wood fire.

Nothing recalls autumn more than a good portion of roasted chestnuts: crackling wood, gathering around the fire, a good glass of wine or, why not, a cup of hot tea.

It is true that our outdoor space gives us unique moments in the summer, but it is equally true that it is also possible to use it during this time of year, you just need to furnish it with the right accessories.


When we talk about “foliage”, we mean that autumnal phenomenon which consists in the progressive change of color of the leaves of the plants from green to various shades of yellow, red, orange and brown.

It is a natural event that occurs every year between September and November, offering something wonderful not only for our eyes but also for our mind.

We had already talked about the power of colors on our emotions and sensations and, upon reflection, those that most distinguish autumn all represent positive feelings: yellow, loved by vital people and connected to wisdom; red, symbol of love and passion and, finally, orange, synonymous with joy and sociability.

And now? Close your eyes and imagine losing yourself in a nest, a crib, like the one in the Emma collection: elegant and refined, it will pamper you during the autumn period when, with your cup of blueberry herbal tea, you can admire the leaves that slowly twirl lightly as if in a romantic dance.


Who said we can’t admire the stars all year round?

Of course, we know that the perfect period is during the month of August when, on the night of San Lorenzo, we position ourselves with our noses upwards to express our wishes.

If we think about it, however, with the right furnishing accessory and, above all, on an evening with a clear sky, it is possible to do it even in autumn. With Sunmoon, our new gazebo, you will be able to enjoy a special moment, even when the air gets cooler.

All you need is a blanket, open the retractable roof and you’re done.


We told you a little while ago: when we think of autumn, we automatically think of chestnuts too.

A Sunday with the family, a grandfather preparing the fire while a grandmother, in the kitchen, kneads chocolate biscuits and an apple pie.

These, for us, are the ingredients of a perfect afternoon, made special thanks to a secret ingredient: the love of our grandparents.

The chestnuts are on the fire, the table is ready to welcome all the members of the family: with the Customade table even the simplest of days is transformed into a moment of celebration. Thanks to its customizable sizes, in fact, it will allow you to all be together, even at this time of year.