Last Friday, December 15th 2017 Varaschin Outdoor Therapy has opened its headquarters doors to the #wakeupandexplore event, an exclusive meeting with Lorenzo Franco Santin, the photographer and hiker who first walked through Sentiero Italia, a more than 6,000-km hiking route which crosses the entire national territory.
Lorenzo started his journey from Sardinia and then arrived to Friuli-Venezia Giulia about 5 months later, walking on his own with just a 9,5-kg backpack as equipment and a sleeping bag. His intention was to live the mountain in an intense and genuine way, getting to the destination as fast as possible but enjoying every single moment. He had to count only on his will and determination, developing his spirit of survival.
Guest and moderator of the event has been Alleris Pizzut, Central Councilor of C.A.I. (Italian Alpine Club) of Pordenone who had several questions for Lorenzo, to get a deeper knowledge of his adventure. The event was attended by more than 130 people.
An exciting evening, full of participation, interest and curiosity for an alternative lifestyle, such Lorenzo’s: a bit “out of the box” and in contact with nature.
An initiative that also denotes a new way of doing business, based on the concept of “sharing of values”: two apparently different worlds such as outdoor furniture and trekking, discover to share the same passion for life in the open air and wellness, the first through comfort, the other through sport.
Outdoor Therapy event with Lorenzo Franco Santin